A Photograph Keeps a Moment from Running Away


GPS Map Camera
GPS Map Camera

You will never have the same day with your loved ones again. Tomorrow, they will be a little older than they were today. This day is a gift. Just breathe, notice, study their faces and little feet.

Relish the charms of the present. Enjoy today. It will be over before you know it.

Capturing pictures becomes important once we realize the importance of a present moment, and the next question is if the moments are special then the tool to click photos should be special and creative.

So I was in search of that tool that can add some value to my most precious photos with some different features, and finally, I found a camera application named GPS Map Camera which just allows us to add geotags and location details on photos.

The greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy memories.

Recently Holi festival was there and I wanted to save its memory forever as I went to an orphanage home for the very first time. I wanted to spend quality time with kids, so I just used this GPS Map Camera there and clicked so many pictures with them. 

GPS Map Camera

I added the location details, time/date, and related notes with every photo which now helps me to recall that whole celebration and fun. The beautiful and colorful festival made my day very special with such cute kids and they just motivated me to live a happy life. 

Also, just after the Holi festival, I visited to watch a sunset as I wanted to spend some time with myself. I was waiting for the sunset moment to live on but suddenly my mind reminded me of this GPS Map Camera app again and I decided to click a picture with a beautiful sunset using the app again, I took the help of a photographer who also was there to capture the beautiful sun in-camera before it sets down, he gets me a fantastic click. 

GPS Map Camera

I added all the details such as an address, latitude, longitude, altitude, hashtags, note, weather, and many more… to make that moment special and memorable.

I would definitely like to suggest this app, experience it by yourself just as I did. You can download the app from here.

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